MarcH 30, 2023


'The Talent Puzzle; strategies for attracting and retaining top employees'

Attracting and retaining employees in the current market is a puzzle! How you do make yourself attractive to employees and candidates whilst also protecting your bottom line and fulfilling your legal obligations? In this unique webinar we will be discussing some of these challenges (and solutions!) from varying perspectives, not only from an employee and employer perspective but also what that means for employers from a legal perspective. From Benefits to Development, Remote Working to Sustainability, we will cover a broad range of subjects that are relevant to attracting and retaining staff in 2023.

Please join us on Thursday, April 13th, from 3.30 to 4.30 PM CET. 

Please register now! If you have any questions about the webinar, please email us via

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Advantageous R&D tax benefits in the Netherlands

on July 27, 2024
Entrepreneurs engaging in Research & Development (R&D) activities, should consider establishing their operations in the Netherlands. The Netherlands offers several incentives that effectively reduce R&D costs, fueling entrepreneurship and fostering investments. These incentives, particularly the WBSO (Research and Development Promotion Act) and Innovation Box, play a crucial role in supporting innovative companies, enabling them to invest more and accelerate their development processes.
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From 2024 – C02 Tracking and Reporting of Employee Travel Totals

on February 17, 2024
We would like to inform you regarding a new reporting obligation that will be implemented starting 1 July 2024. If your company employs at least 100 employees in the Netherlands, you will be required to track and report the total number of kilometers your employees travel for work-related purposes annually. This initiative is part of a government plan to monitor and eventually reduce CO2 emissions linked to business travel.
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